Tuesday, 1 January 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Well, I kept it. My one New Year Resolution for 2008.

Start a blog!

Now what ... ?!?!?!?!

I love New Year's morning. I stopped getting wrecked at New Year some years ago, whilst working in a bar that required me to be able to drive if I wanted to get home (unless I wanted to spend all my wages on a taxi, that is).

But waking up, seeing first light, and experiencing the silence of New Year (cos everyone else is still in bed after their own indulgences) - that's quite special, and worth the sobriety. It's about the only time that you can hear the world being so quiet - even Christmas morning is punctuated by the kids on their bikes in the park behind, and people rushing out to go visiting and deliver gifts. I just hope in my lifetime I get to see a snowy New Year morning. The thought just gives me goosebumps.

The only comparable experience is watching low-tide-turn on the Mersey on a still summer morning. With the sun rising behind the cathedral, there's more to it than just the mirrored image of the Graces on the river ... there's a calm, a feeling of being at peace with the world that no camera could ever capture. It only lasts a minute or so before you see the ripples begin as the water begins to move back in, but it is quite special.


Ed said...

First let me say...


You came across as a bit of a hippie in the last sentence which is good after coming across as a clear headed self righteous alcohol free zonein the first.

Go J and remember...

...Keep on blogging.

Eryn said...

I hope Ed isn't saying that like it's a bad thing. I love the dichotomy of the hippie and the teetotaler!

Happy New Year!

Ed said...

Like Kenny Everett(e) said...

"It's all in the BEST POSSible taste!"

Ed's next door neighbour said...

Cheers Ed. I couldn't think of anything cooler for a title - you get asked to make sooooo many decisions setting up one of these, and that's just to set up your gmail account!

Hi Eryn! If Ed does say anything bad, well, I'll just turn the music up loud and try and annoy him. Des O'Connor or something. :)

I have to admit .... being a hippy is not something I'd given consideration to ... must be borne out of the teenage, navel-gazey Goth phase.

Now I need to work out the linky bits and whatever.